UN Survey- Gun Ownership vs Homicide Rate

I don't usually post a log of political content on this site, but I ran across these graphics and decided that I wanted to share them.  The pro-gun and anti-gun crowds are always divided on what really happens when you increase the amount of guns in an area.  

Below are two pictures representing data from a 2007 UN survey on firearms throughout the world.  The top one shows gun ownership and the bottom shows intentional homicide rates throughout the world.  

Gun ownership throughout the world.

Worldwide intentional homicide rate

English: Murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants most recent year.

The United States allows for the ownership of firearms in the Constitution and not surprisingly shows just about the highest rate of gun ownership in the country. I don't think it will surprise most law abiding gun owners that the U.S. also has a lower homicide rate than most of the rest of the world.  As we have tried to say all along, the guns don't cause the crime and it isn't law abiding gun owners.

Another interesting note is the number of countries with low gun ownership rates, but high intentional homicide rates.  This includes Russia, parts of middle and South America and large portions of Africa.  While this data doesn't break down the means of homicide for each country, it clearly shows that criminals will ultimately find a way to murder, whether or not there are legal guns readily available.

What are you thoughts on the information above?  Share them in the comment section below:


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